Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I got to thinking...

While I was at work the other day I discovered two things

1- "Reindeer Pause" is not talking about the feet of the reindeer it means the reindeer stop.
2- Santa is a Midget

In the poem a Night Before Christmas its says...

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer

I don't know about you but to me that makes it sound like Santa is a midget.
Why else would Santa have a miniature sleigh, and tiny reindeer? Am I right?

Also, about the song Up on the housetop

I called my sister yesterday because I was not 100% sure what it meant when the song says "reindeer pause" at first she thought that the song was talking about the feet. But then we both quickly realized that reindeer have hoofs not paws. Which led to the other option, they stop. Which now that I think about it and look at the lyrics that is definitely what they are talking about.